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About Deepak Industries

From the ups & downs...

We are Deepak Industries, the Henna speacialists. In our products, you can smell the experience of 40 years. Started by our forefathers Shah Mishrimal Banthiya and Mr. Parasmal Banthiya, our industry has changed immensely over time, there are some things that remain constant such as our attention to detail, the quality of our goods and our care for those who use our products. Previously as Deepak Mehandi Bhandhar and Now the Deepak Industries.

“Our fundamental belief is that for us

growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times”

Currently Deepak industries are greatly performing under the supervision of Mr. Deepak Kumar Banthiya and and our prodigy Mr. Pakshal Jain. With a combination of experience and innovation we offer you the world class Henna and Henna based products.

Hair dye tests.
World class R&D
Moisture Meter.
Our In- house lab.
About: About
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